The Promise of Hope

Last night, during one of the many times that I woke up, each time making notes for my novel, I remembered something a stranger said to me.

It was almost four years ago a woman that I had never met before said something to me that I’ll never forget.

“Maybe when it’s all over, something extraordinary will happen to you. Maybe it will all be worth it. ”

I must add I’m paraphrasing. I can’t remember exactly what she told me that lonely night.

What I didn’t know, what I couldn’t possibly know, was what would follow. The next four years of my life would be the most challenging, most complex, and most painful days of my life.

J. S.

September 22, 2019

3:59 AM

10 thoughts on “The Promise of Hope

  1. At the end of a long struggle we often look at ourselves and wonder ” are we different now?” . By my understanding you find that you became stronger and I guess more positive person.
    Thank you for inspiring, to the point post.

    Liked by 2 people

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