I wasn’t more than 10 blocks from my house this morning when I stopped at an apartment fire. The fire hadn’t spread past a single apartment when I stopped. I asked one of the people standing in the parking lot if everyone was out of the building, and he assured me of their safety.

The Fire Department was rolling in as I left the scene. More than a dozen First Reaponder Vehicles showed up within minutes of the first 911 call.

This morning triggered a painful memory. Something I survived about seven years ago. I’ve written about it on this blog before. I woke up to a fire inside a small, single-wide trailer. I managed to wake everyone up and escape, but the residence was a complete loss. A couple of weeks later when I stopped by to speak to a neighbor, she told me, “The Fire Inspector said an accelerant had been used to start the fire.”

I can’t say for sure what happened, but the circumstances were certainly questionable. Furthermore, multiple attempts on my life had taken place within a short period of time. I’ll see if I can find the story and repost it.

Joseph Shanklin

June 20, 2024

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