It’s been ten days since my hip surgery. I spent hours reading on the subjects of hip replacement surgery, recovery, and physical therapy.

I surprised the doctors and myself at how fast I recovered from general anesthesia. Back in 2005, I had surgery to repair two torn ligaments in my right ankle. I recovered from general anesthesia much faster this time than last time. With the help of a walker, I was up and shuffled to the restroom almost immediately after waking up. I went home so quickly that they forgot to give me my prescriptions. The hospital called my daughter and asked her to return and pick them up. I must add this. Except for the day of surgery, I haven’t had to use a walker or cane.

This is funny. I went home from major surgery, and the idea of pain medication didn’t cross my mind. Well, I had so much local anesthetic in my leg that I didn’t feel much of anything until the following day. Even then, I only used pain narcotic pain medication for a few days. Many of you will remember I have a history of addiction to opiates. Pain pills, to be precise. Even with five years of sobriety from everything, including alcohol, I must be conscientious and diligent. I will always be in recovery to some degree. I’m not an alcoholic, but sober is sober. I gave up alcohol as a precaution.

I’ve had back problems for years, but I didn’t realize how much my hip was affecting my lower back. I was nearly one inch taller on my right side than my left. I didn’t know this until a few months ago. Thankfully, this issue was corrected during my hip surgery. With each step, I was straining my spine. This, in turn, caused the muscles to compensate. I’m already sleeping better now. For the past year, I would wake up every couple of hours in pain—muscle spasms in my back and incredible pain from my hip to my foot.

Most of 2023 was a year of 24/7 suffering. I refuse to give up. Instead, I tend to switch from defense to offense. For six months, I woke up at 3:00 AM each day and spent one hour at the gym before work. My workout, which consisted of lifting and stretching, was directed at my core and upper body. I’m already in good shape, but soon, I’ll be in the best shape of my life. Yes, I’m getting ripped! I may have to post a few pics. 😊

Now I must follow the plan!

Joseph Shanklin

December 18, 2023.

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