Acquiesce To Recovery [December, 2021]

Re-Posted from December, 2021. The following was copied from my column. I used to write for a treatment newsletter in Colorado. Okay, here we go 😊 Close your eyes and allow your mind to scroll back to the past, back to the world of drugs and crime. Whether last month or last year, let's journey … Continue reading Acquiesce To Recovery [December, 2021]

Causing Pain, That Other, Ugly Coping Skill

"So, what did the doctor tell you this morning," he asked his wife, struggling to hide an ugly scowl on his thin, dark features. A sudden wave of sadness filled her mind as a single tear tried to fall from one tired eye, but didn't. The room seemed unnaturally quiet as the woman prepared to … Continue reading Causing Pain, That Other, Ugly Coping Skill

Good Morning To Anyone Damaged By Those Who Are Damaged!

I want to take a few minutes to say "Good Morning" to those individuals who've struggled with loved ones addicted to drugs or alcohol. The people who have the love and patience to stand by the addicts' side throughout their battle with addiction. So often, we (bloggers) write about the pain and suffering of the … Continue reading Good Morning To Anyone Damaged By Those Who Are Damaged!

Sober Is Power

At this very moment, all across the globe, men and women are walking out on their families for drugs and alcohol. Mothers and fathers have been abandoning their kids for dope since the beginning of dope. Dopes on dope leaving to score dope from dopes. I used to be that foolish dope. It's been a … Continue reading Sober Is Power

My Thoughts This Morning [Sabotage Does Not Exist]

Pictured: me, my daughter, and the llama at the Texas Renaissance Festival. She loves llamas! My thoughts this morning. Sabotage does not exist. I've written about my sobriety and my history with addiction many times. Some of you may know I've come back from losing everything. My sobriety, hard work, and passion for all I … Continue reading My Thoughts This Morning [Sabotage Does Not Exist]

Do Not Suffer In Silence

I will not live in the past, but sometimes the darkness pushes its way towards the front of my mind. It feels like a dream in many ways; foggy memories of another life and world—a hazy drug-filled landscape spilling over with bandits and mayhem. Much like World History, we cannot afford to forget the past … Continue reading Do Not Suffer In Silence

My Thoughts This Morning [Selective Memory]

I've always wondered why some individuals have [Selective Memory]. I'm not speaking of [lying through their teeth], but instead those persons who seem to believe their bullshit. Not having done the research, I can only speculate. Do these people have issues with reality? Do they have long or short-term memory problems? Is it some kind … Continue reading My Thoughts This Morning [Selective Memory]

Damages 3, Flashbacks

The necessity of pain, who would we be without it? We will never know. For those individuals spending their entire life reliving the pain with each pull of a trigger, it can be a never-ending story, not unlike the movie Groundhog Day. (I recommend the movie) Like most of what I write, this piece comes … Continue reading Damages 3, Flashbacks

Damages Part 2, The World is a Serial Killer.

INTRODUCTION Warning, kind of a long read, but worth it... Writing used to be such an unclimbable mountain to me, something that I would never be able to achieve in my life. In fact, I didn't like writing. The love that I used to have for reading has been transformed into a new love for … Continue reading Damages Part 2, The World is a Serial Killer.